Case Blog - International Journal of Clinical & Medical Images (2016) Volume 3, Issue 9
Author(s): Bhaskar Ghoshal and Sujit K Bhattacharya
Case Presentation: A male patient aged 50 years reported to the emergency of Glocal hospital in June 2016 presenting with signs and symptoms of acute abdomen. It transpired that he was assaulted with an 18” × 3” (approx.) foreign body forcibly pushed through his anal orifice. The patient was in shock; was admitted and resuscitated. CECT abdomen with contrast revealed a high up foreign body, actually a portion of banana stem, situated intraperitoneal sub diaphragmatic region. On laparotomy by a left para-median incision, it was seen that the huge foreign body has perforated through the sigmoido-rectal junction and resting in the high up subdiaphragmatic region with gross haemoperitonium.
The foreign body was carefully removed from abdomen (Figure). Rectosigmoid rent (4” long) in the anterior wall with bleeding lacerated edges was repaired in layers with transluminal Foley’s catheter passed up through anus beyond the repaired area with the balloon inflated. The patient made speedy and uneventful recovery. The insertion of such foreign body is scarcely encountered. The method of introduction of sharp, lengthy, rigid and offending material for executing death sentence was prevalent in the ancient times (called SHUL). It is to utter surprise that such practice was revived in an attempt to kill someone,