Case Blog - International Journal of Clinical & Medical Images (2015) Volume 2, Issue 11
Author(s): Carlos A. Gonzalez-Gomez, Juan F. Camacho-Ruiz and Juan S. Barajas-Gamboa*
Introduction: A 37 year-old male was incidentally diagnosed to have an acetabular osteophyte on X rays performed at the Emergency Room, while a hip injury was ruling out after a car accident. The radiological findings and differential diagnosed are briefly discussed. An informed consent was signed by the patient for publication and academic purposes.
Keywords: Acetabular osteophyte; Ostheoartrosis; Hip; Femoro-acetabular impingement
A previously healthy, 37 year-old male was brought to the emergency room after a car accident, apparently with hip joint injury. The patient referred pain in both hips and mild functional limitation to walk. What is the possible diagnosis?
1. Hip ostheoartrosis
2. Femoro-acetabular impingement
3. Ostheoartritis
4. Fracture of the hip
5. Hip dysplasia