Clinical-Medical Image - International Journal of Clinical & Medical Images (2020) Volume 7, Issue 2
Author(s): Samia H Touimi*, S Daoudi, I Mbarki, I Adrif, H Elkacemi, S Elmajjaoui ,T Kebdani, H Errihani, N Benjaafar
It’s a 24 years old female patient who presented with rhinological burning pain evolving since 1 year. She didn’t consult until a blistering lesion filled half of the oral cavity. The initial biopsy of the tumor was interpreted as a round cell tumor process.
It’s a 24 years old female patient who presented with rhinological burning pain evolving since 1 year. She didn’t consult until a blistering lesion filled half of the oral cavity. The initial biopsy of the tumor was interpreted as a round cell tumor process. An immuno-histochemical complement showed a poorly differentiated neuroendocrine carcinoma (Pancytokeratine+, Ki67 at 30%, Chromogranine+, Synaptophysine-).
CT scan showed a locally advanced maxillary nasal sinus tumor of 74 mm in the greatest diameter.
The remainder of the staging didn’t reveal any metastases. The patient received 3 courses of chemotherapy with Etoposod-cisplatin.
The clinical and radiological evaluations showed a progression of disease [Figure 1].