Clinical Image - International Journal of Clinical & Medical Images (2014) Volume 1, Issue 7
Author(s): Kamalakkannan G, Karthekeyan R,Mahesh V, Anand Nayagam H
A 3 month old baby was referred to us from outside with complaints of frequent respiratory tract infection and echo cardiogram showing severe Mitral Regurgitation. MRI was done in our hospital which showed large LA mass extending into LV towards LVOT without significant outflow obstruction. Child has no rhythm disturbances preoperatively and has weak peripheral pulses. Had 1 episode of seizure. Antenatal scanning did not reveal the tumor may be because it was small. It would have gradually grown to attain the present size causing signs and symptoms. There was no significant family history. The following pictures show the MRI images of the tumor. (Figure 1 and 2).