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International Journal of Clinical & Medical Images


Clinical-Medical Image - International Journal of Clinical & Medical Images (2023) Volume 10, Issue 3

Large Healing Bed Sore in a Diabetic patient with Myeloma causing Compressive Paraparesis

Large Healing Bed Sore in a Diabetic patient with Myeloma causing Compressive Paraparesis

Author(s): Kartik Mittal*, Minakshi Dhar and Krithartha Kashyap

Department of Geriatric Medicine, All India Institute of Medical Science, Rishikesh, Uttarakhand, India

*Corresponding Author:
Kartik Mittal
Department of Geriatric Medicine
All India Institute of Medical Science
Rishikesh, Uttarakhand, India
Tel: +91 9818184500

Received: 01 March 2023, Manuscript No. ijcmi-23-91393; Editor assigned: 02 March 2023, Pre QC No. P-91393; Reviewed: 16 March 2023, QC No. Q-91393; Revised: 20 March 2023, Manuscript No. R-91393; Published: 27 March 2023, DOI:10.4172/2376-0249.1000883

Citation: Mittal, K, Dhar M and Kashyap K. (2023) Large Healing Bed Sore in a Diabetic Patient with Myeloma Causing Compressive Paraparesis. Int J Clin Med Imaging 10:883.

Copyright: © 2023 Mittal K, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Clinical-Medical Image

A 67-year-old male with a history of diabetes presented with paraparesis localized to the T7 level on examination. MRI revealed compressive myelopathy with cord edema. Further workup revealed recurrent anemia needing regular transfusions, recurrent sepsis, deranged kidney function, mild hypercalcemia and poor skin quality. Detailed workup, including bone marrow biopsy, revealed multiple myeloma. During his hospital stay, the patient developed a rapidly progressive grade 4 bed sore just above the sacral region. The sore was accompanied by significant pain and discomfort and it rapidly increased in size. Regular dressings with EUSOL solution (Chlorinated Lime with Boric Acid Solution) were initiated every three days, resulting in significant early wound healing (Figures 1-3).

Multiple myeloma is a systemic malignancy that can involve the bone marrow, kidneys and other organs. Neurological complications, such as compressive myelopathy, are rare but can be significant sources of morbidity and mortality. The diagnosis of multiple myeloma is typically made through a combination of clinical, laboratory and imaging findings. In this case, the diagnosis was confirmed through bone marrow biopsy. Bed sores are a common complication in patients with advanced multiple myeloma, particularly those with poor skin quality and impaired mobility. Bed sores can be difficult to treat and can result in significant morbidity and mortality if not managed appropriately. Regular dressings with EUSOL solution have been shown to be effective in promoting early wound healing and preventing complications associated with bed sores [1-3].

Multiple myeloma is a systemic malignancy that can present with a variety of clinical manifestations, including neurological complications such as compressive myelopathy. Bed sores are a common complication in patients with advanced multiple myeloma and can result in significant morbidity and mortality if not treated promptly. Regular dressings with EUSOL solution have been shown to be effective in promoting early wound healing and preventing complications associated with bed sores. Prompt diagnosis and management of multiple myeloma and its complications are essential to achieving optimal outcomes for patients.


Bed sore; Wound; Myeloma; Diabetes; Elderly; Geriatric

Conflict of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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[3] Kumar SK, Rajkumar SV, Dispenzieri A, Lacy MQ and Hayman SR, et al. (2008) Improved survival in multiple myeloma and the impact of novel therapies. Blood 111: 2516-2520.

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