Case Blog - International Journal of Clinical & Medical Images (2015) Volume 2, Issue 9
Author(s): Sujit K Bhattacharya*, Manotosh Roy, Sujit Kar Purokayastha and Satyabrata Upadh
Abstract Veins carry blood from the body to the lungs and heart. Vein valves and walls of the veins are sometimes weakened by various factors including by inflammation of the veins. These may lead to even ulceration of the veins. This is called “varicose” veins. Veins act as storage for unused blood, which is not in the circulation. This storing capacity is due to the elasticity of the walls of the veins. Large varicose veins can be visible, bulging, palpable, long, and dilated, particularly in the legs.
Keywords: Varicose veins; Legs; Deoxygenated blood; Circulation
Introduction There are three types of channels (artery, vein and lymphatic) through which oxygenated and deoxygenated blood and lymph are carried to and from different organs of the body. Veins carry blood from the body to the lungs and heart. Vein valves and walls of the veins are sometimes weakened by various factors including by inflammation of the veins. These may lead to even ulceration of the veins. This is called “varicose” veins. Veins act as storage for unused blood, which is not in the circulation. This storing capacity is due to the elasticity of the walls of the veins. Large varicose veins can be visible, bulging, palpable, long, and dilated.
Material and Methods The subject is a male of about 35 years old. He was a security guard and had to stand for a long time daily during the working hours (8 hours). History was elicited by interviewing the patient. This was followed by a thorough clinical examination. After obtaining verbal consent from the patent, the photograph was taken (Figure 1).Discussion You can’t prevent varicose veins from forming. However, you can prevent the ones you have from getting worse. You also can take steps to delay other varicose veins from forming. Standing or sitting for prolonged periods should be avoided. Physical exercise should be done regularly so that muscle tone improves and venous flow improves. Reduction of body weight is recommended. Tight clothes can make varicose veins worse. Wearing compression stockings is generally useful. These stockings create gentle pressure up the leg. This pressure keeps blood from pooling in the veins and decreases swelling in the legs.